sébastien roux
Sébastien Roux (born 1977) writes electronic music, and presents it in diverse formats, from CD’s and records, to public listening sessions, sound installations, sound walks, and radio pieces.
He experiments with listening conditions, with the concept of soundscape, and with composition using formal constraints. In 2011 he began to develop an approach focused on principles of translation, analyzing the structures of pre-existing art works (visual, musical, literary) and transposing them into musical scores for new works. This process has led to the creation of: “Quatuor” (2011) and “Nouvelle” (2012). The most recent development out of this process of translation is “Inevitable Music” a long-term examination and development of a methodology for applying the rules and means of the wall drawings of Sol Lewitt to sonic ends.
Along with his solo works Roux maintains significant collaborations. He frequently works with writer Célia Houdart and set designer Olivier Vadrot on transdisciplinary and in-situ projects. He has created the sound environment for choreographic works by DD Dorvillier, Sylvain Prunenec and Rémy Héritier.
He worked at Ircam, Paris as a musical assistant to Georges Aperghis, Bruno Mantovani and Gérard Pesson, and was a musical assistant to Morton Subtonick, for “Parades and Changes, replays” by Anne Collod/Anna Halprin.
Roux has been awarded commissions and residencies from Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Groupe de Recherches Musicales, Muse en Circuit, National Centre of Music Creation, Paris, CESARE, National Centre of Music Creation, Reims, Groupe de Musique Expérimental de Marseille, and Issue Project Room. He has been awarded the Institut Français’s grant Villa Médicis hors-les-murs (USA 2012) and La Muse en Circuit’s Radio Art Contest (2005).
He is a Rome Prize Winner, in residence at the French Academy in Rome for 2015 – 2016.