ludovic rivière
Ludovic Rivière studied light design in Théâtre Saragosse (Pau – France) in the late 1990′s.
He has worked then as light designer for choreographers such as Laurent Pichaud, Audrey Périn-Vindt, Clara Cornil, Rémy Héritier and Thierry Thieû Niang.
Since 2008 he has been collaborating as technical director or light technician for choreographers such as Hélène Iratchet, Claudia Triozzi, Antonia Baehr, Nathalie Collantes, Laure Bonicel, David Wampach, Ivana Müller, Latifa Laâbissi, Martine Pisani, Olga Mesa, Fanny De Chaillé and Alain Michard.
He is also performer for Laurent Pichaud (référentiel bondissant, 2005) and Martine Pisani (As far as the eye can hear, 2010).