Atteindre la fin du western
- Premiered May 3 and 4th 2007 at Vivat d’Armentières – France
- Choreography Rémy Héritier
Performance Nuno Bizarro, Audrey Gaisan Doncel, Rémy Héritier
Music Éric Yvelin
Light Ludovic Rivière
Costumes Delphine Sainte-Marie
Production GBOD !
Coproduction Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier Languedoc-
Roussillon – programme ReRc (résidence de recherche) / Le Vivat – scène
conventionnée danse et théâtre – Armentières / Centre National de Danse
Contemporaine – Angers / Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux-la-Pape – Cie
Maguy Marin dans le cadre de l’accueil studio 2007. With support of Vallon du Villaret
Reaching the end of the western is a gesture, like to reach the end of a myth. The myth, as a throbbing, a mute but obvious presence. The purpose of Atteindre la fin du western is oversized, necessarily a little rough. Oversized because right from the beginning we are faced with an unknown. Unknown of the myth and the lack of desire to choose one, to elect or to reduce it in order to stay “at the right level”.
To embrace a thing which you naturally ignore the boundaries but to embrace it all the same. That’s a gesture.
The direct consequence of this oversized aspect is to lead you to work with archaic patterns and to stick you to archaic notions such as:
The relationship binding together the witness and the event, the field of vision and the off, the object and the subject, the position and the disposition.
The point may be to envision the relationship as a dissociation act. Dissociation from the bodies, from the space, from the dance itself. Dissociation as a will giving opportunities to associate and to produce.